
  • All orders are processed and set for shipping within 48 to 72 hours of purchase depending on volume of orders.

  • Shipping cost will show before completion of your purchase. The shipping options also will be provided during the final purchase transaction.

  • Our carriers will vary based on shipping speed and carriers in your location. You will choose which options work best for you.

    A. USPS

    B. UPS

    C. DHL

  • We ship both domestic and internationally. Other shipping rates will apply for international shipments.

  • A tracking number will be provided for all orders via email. Please be sure to provide an accurate email. If you are a subscriber, your tracking number will also be in your order history


  • Answer- Yes, all of Libra23's products are made inhouse and by hand directed by solution based formulas.

  • Answer- While the formulations of all of Libra23's products are kept under tight lip. The ingredients are not a secret.The why” is imperative to understanding as the “what” in finding balanced solutions to skin care issues.

  • Libra23 utilizes butters and oils that can melt during shipping due to delivery truck temperatures. In the case that a product should be received slightly melted. Please stir the product until uniformed again. Short exposure to heat will not harm the effectiveness. Place the product in a cool environment to re-solidify. Use as directed.

Refunds and Exchanges

  • Libra23 strives to never have items returned because of effectiveness. Consistency, time, patience and proper use are requisites for reaching the balance of our skin. For these reasons refunds would not be available. If it is concluded that the above was followed. Libra23 would like to revisit the "Imbalance" quiz and research a bit deeper to resolve. Other sources that will be available: How to videos, customer service, and other learning sources.